Hi, I'm Jonny.

Senior Staff Engineer

I build web apps; relentlessly automate toil; coach engineering teams; and help businesses grow.

About me

I am a long-time technologist. At the age of eleven, I was building PCs with my father. The web fascinated me as a teenager #GenerationGeoCities. I have extensive experience in building software, coaching others and leading software teams, particularly in finance and data.

Currently, I am contracting as a frontend and DevOps engineer for Scotland's leading property management CRM, in my home city of Edinburgh. So far, I have helped increase sales by over 50% by renovating their primary customer-facing UI, and improved development team efficiency by implementing automated CI/CD pipelines.

I have been an Engineering Manager and Senior Engineering Manager at both Spotify and NatWest. I am grateful to have been privy to world-class leadership training. I have loved helping my teams grow, both personally and collectively.

Taking voluntary redundancy in late 2023 afforded me a rare opportunity to pivot my career. With a decade of effective leadership under my belt, both my and said it is time to get coding again.

Learning focus

Out of professional necessity or personal curiosity I am currently, or have recently been, diving into the following tech:

Professional experience

  • Jonny has helped me push boundaries as a developer. I've learnt new skills and feel I've become a better programmer from working with him.

    Juan J.

    Senior Web Engineer

  • I have learnt more from Jonny in two weeks, compared to months on the job.

    David L.

    Engineering Manager

  • You've done awesome with this GitHub CI pipeline man, really appreciate your enthusiasm and work on it!

    Nik J.

    Senior Engineer


Made with care with Visual Studio Code. Built on Jekyll, Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js. Deployed to GitHub Pages via GitHub Actions.

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