About me
I am a long-time technologist. At the age of eleven, I was building PCs with my father. The web fascinated me as a teenager #GenerationGeoCities. I have extensive experience in building software, coaching others and leading software teams, particularly in finance and data.
Currently, I am contracting as a frontend and DevOps engineer for Scotland's leading property management CRM, in my home city of Edinburgh. So far, I have helped increase sales by over 50% by renovating their primary customer-facing UI, and improved development team efficiency by implementing automated CI/CD pipelines.
I have been an Engineering Manager and Senior Engineering Manager at both Spotify and NatWest. I am grateful to have been privy to world-class leadership training. I have loved helping my teams grow, both personally and collectively.
Taking voluntary redundancy in late 2023 afforded me a rare opportunity to pivot my career. With a decade of effective leadership under my belt, both my and said it is time to get coding again.
Learning focus
Out of professional necessity or personal curiosity I am currently, or have recently been, diving into the following tech:
Professional experience
Made with care with Visual Studio Code. Built on Jekyll, Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js. Deployed to GitHub Pages via GitHub Actions.
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